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The genesis of the Zyo riad

Riad ZYO

One evening, during a dinner in the city, came the silence that all the mistresses of the house dread. Our host then threw this innocuous phrase: and you, have you fulfilled your childhood dre
ams? Everyone was pleased to have
made it. After much thought, I was the only one to say no: I wanted to become a concierge in
a hotel. A general burst of laughter and everyone believ
ed in a joke. The idea continued to trotter in my head and the more time passed, the more the desire to create a place or receive

others tempted me. The city was chosen; it would be Rabat, the little-know
n capital of Morocco.I have always loved this enigmatic,
quiet and green city. Of course, an installed doctor who creates a hotel might elicit some criticism but

I would ignore it. During my research, I quickly fell in love with the old post office of the medina. The bright and clear place allowed me to create a charming house with a human dimensi

on. I embarked on the project with the enthusiasm of the neophyte and had great difficulty in getting the idea of a traditional house stripped with few classical decorative elements ac

cepted. I thought for a long time that hospitality was an easy job; I quickly disillusioned and discovered that as medicine it is a difficult job, requiring a presence and availability at all times.

Fortunately, a team of young, enthusiastic and naturally hospitable allowed me to receive people from all over the world and to be able to introduce them to Morocco and Rabat in all their glory.

My joy today are long evening discussions around a fireplace with guests coming from Asia, the other from the United States, the third in Europe and discover so many affinities between each other. Of cour

se, I am delighted when, at the time of departure, people thank us and tell us that they had a good time with us and promise to come back very quickly. So

yes now, I have now fulfilled my childhood dream: the world comes to me. A

li Chraibi

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